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21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

JANUARY 10 - 31, 2021

Download the fasting packet below for fasting guidelines, prayer topics and schedule, and tips for preparing for the fast. 

Fasting Tips

1. Enter this fast prayerfully and with expectation. Be intentional about your time with God.


2. If you do not have a plan on what you want to discover in your time of drawing closer to Him, you will not know what to expect coming out of the fast. 


3. Stay focused. Temptations will come from the left and the right, but stick to your plan! Self- control is a must.

4. Remember, fasting is a sacrifice and sacrifice hurts. Whatever you give up should be worthwhile.


5. Expect God to speak. If there is an expectation that God will speak (through His Word, His Spirit, or through His people), there will be a stronger sensitivity to what He will say.


6. Take time to write or journal. Write down what you sense God is saying to you.

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